FI$CalTv Presents Desktop Procedures Best Practices

FI$CalTv Presents Desktop Procedures Best Practices

The Financial Information System for California (FI$Cal) represents the most ambitious information technology and business transformation project in state history. At the heart of this transformation, are the end users and departments who have transitioned away from...
FI$CalTv Presents Desktop Procedures Best Practices

FI$CalTv Adds Katie’s Corner to Monthly Programs

FI$CalTv has added a veteran state communications expert to its monthly webcast. Katie Rose joined the communications staff at the Department of FISCal (FI$Cal) on February 1 and brings more than nine years of government experience to the role of writer and social...
FI$Cal YouTube Channel – A Valuable Resource for End Users

FI$Cal YouTube Channel – A Valuable Resource for End Users

Did you know that FI$Cal has a YouTube channel available to all end users? Channel resources include how-to videos that help answer commonly asked questions as well as FI$CalTv broadcasts and more. Our most recent posts include: FI$CalTv Episode 26 – Power BI and...
FI$CalTv to Focus on WorkCenter

FI$CalTv to Focus on WorkCenter

This month’s FI$CalTv episode, to be telecast on Thursday, April 29, will focus on the WorkCenter, which is available to departments to access specific and prioritized tasks and actions in a central location. Several modules have been added to the WorkCenter over the...