FI$Cal Onboards More Departments

FI$Cal Onboards More Departments

How do you accomplish bringing new departments onto the FI$Cal system with over 200 onboarding tasks within six months, and in one case with as little as 60 days to complete? You enlist FI$Cal Relations Coordinators (RC) to lead and drive the efforts, backed by a team...
FI$Cal Learning Center Announcements

FI$Cal Learning Center Announcements

Here is the monthly roundup of new/updated training content that was added to the FI$Cal Learning Center (FLC) in June 2021. Job Aids/Material: FISCal.080 – PC Reports within the FISCal System (updated) FISCal.228 – Year End Report 7 – Pre-Closing...
June Enhancements

June Enhancements

The Department of FISCal continually makes updates and enhancements to the system based on feedback from our end users. Our goal is to improve usability while maintaining the highest level of security for the state’s data. FI$Cal released the following enhancements in...
Imagine FI$Cal 2021 Is A Wrap!

Imagine FI$Cal 2021 Is A Wrap!

On May 25, FI$Cal wrapped up its third Imagine FI$Cal event. This year the workshops were held virtually with interactive, hands-on activities to help participants “imagine” ideas to improve FI$Cal. The 95 participants at the four workshops generated 23 concepts for...