August FI$Facts

August FI$Facts

Question: After a Purchase Order (PO) is created from the requisition upload and dispatched, can the item description field be edited? The field does not open up even after a change order is clicked. Answer: The PO item description cannot be updated once the PO has...
New Chat Feature Piloted in ServiceNow

New Chat Feature Piloted in ServiceNow

The Department of FISCal is testing a pilot project with several departments that provides a chat feature in ServiceNow for their users. This tool will provide another channel for departmental users to contact the FI$Cal Service Center (FSC) besides phone, email and...
August FI$Facts

July FI$Facts

PFA Eligible Transactions Question: What is the timeframe for processing State Controller’s Office (SCO) approvals or denials? Answer: There is no approval for the Labor Distribution allocation and manual allocation. The Plan of Financial Adjustment (PFA) will replace...