My Access is Not What I Think it Should Be, What Should I Do?

My Access is Not What I Think it Should Be, What Should I Do?

The Department of FISCal uses role based security to provide our end users the ability to perform tasks in the FI$Cal system. For example, the Hyperion Viewer role allows users to view their department’s budget information. The AP Approver 1 role allows end users to...
Self-Service Portal Can Speed Tickets

Self-Service Portal Can Speed Tickets

The FI$Cal Service Center (FSC) wants to remind end users about a faster way to launch tickets. Most tickets are still being done the old way, where the FSC accepts email requests from departments for ticket creation via the email....
My Access is Not What I Think it Should Be, What Should I Do?

Disabling Inactive User Accounts

You may have seen a recent communication from our department regarding the disabling of inactive accounts. If not, our FI$Cal Access Management team wants to be sure that you are aware of the effort we are making to clean up inactive user accounts and what that means...
February FI$Facts

February FI$Facts

Question: Are department Contract Award Reports (DFEH STD 16) automatically processed through the FI$Cal system? Answer: No, the reports are not processed automatically. Departments can utilize the ZZ_PO_DFEH_REPORT query to pull data from the FI$Cal system to...
Information for New Department Requesters

Information for New Department Requesters

Congratulations on your new role as a FI$Cal Department Requester. As a Requester, you have the ability to open tickets using the Identity Self-Service (ISS) Portal to create user profiles, add or remove roles, and enable or disable user accounts. We have created a...