by | Apr 2, 2020 | Leadership, Newsletter
By Miriam Barcellona Ingenito, Director of FI$Cal I know that these are challenging times for all of us. Many are balancing the challenges of working from home with family obligations and are concerned about family and friends. Please take time for yourselves and...
by | Apr 2, 2020 | Newsletter, User Support
By Subbarao Mupparaju, Deputy Director of Information Technology Division Amid all the uncertainty about how fast COVID-19 is spreading across the United States, our directorate has authorized emergency telework for Department of FISCal (FI$Cal) employees and...
by | Apr 2, 2020 | Newsletter, User Support
The Department of FISCal continually makes updates and enhancements to the system based on feedback from our end users. Our goal is to improve usability while maintaining the highest level of security for the state’s data. FI$Cal released the following enhancements in...
by | Apr 2, 2020 | Newsletter
Question: Can you reverse a purchase order while the cancel process is pending and change it back to approved? Answer: No, unfortunately the cancel process is not reversible. You will need to create a new purchase order by copying from the canceled one. Questions:...
by | Apr 2, 2020 | Newsletter
This past November, FI$Cal held an Imagine FI$Cal workshop in Los Angeles, where some of our end users in Southern California came together to brainstorm ideas on ways we can improve our training, customer service, and system performance. As a result of one of the...