Valid Emails Important for Secondary User IDs

Valid Emails Important for Secondary User IDs

Sometimes a FI$Cal system end user will need to set up a secondary user account in addition to the one they normally use to conduct business in the system. While there are a variety of reasons as to why a you may need a secondary account, the one thing that is...
June FI$Facts

June FI$Facts

June FI$Facts Question: What is the purpose of creating a contract in FI$Cal? It seems to be an unnecessary step if payments are put against a Purchase Order (PO). Answer: There are several reasons to create contracts. First, when contracts link to POs the FI$Cal...
FI$Cal Service Center Tips

FI$Cal Service Center Tips

The FI$Cal Service Center (FSC) strives to provide our clients with excellent customer service. Prior to contacting the FSC, however, there are a few self-service features you can use to resolve the issue yourself. Password Reset End users can reset passwords...
FI$Cal YouTube Channel Available to All End Users

FI$Cal YouTube Channel Available to All End Users

Did you know that FI$Cal has a YouTube channel available to all end users? Our videos include how-to videos to help answer commonly asked questions as well as FI$CalTv broadcasts and more. Our most recent posts include: FI$Bot FI$CalTv April 30 Ad FI$CalTv 8...