Users will notice a change to the PeopleSoft landing page today when they log into FI$Cal. This is the newest system enhancement resulting from ideas generated at the Imagine FI$Cal workshops in April.

Users will now see an improved PeopleSoft home page, with tiles for the most commonly used features. The PeopleSoft intermediate portal has been removed from the FI$Cal home page, and users can now access PeopleSoft directly.  Saved bookmarks to the PeopleSoft portal may no longer work. Users are encouraged to log in from “Access FI$Cal” page.

A couple of key points:

  • When a user clicks on the “PeopleSoft” link from the FI$Cal website, the login screen will appear. When the user logs in, the new PeopleSoft landing page will appear with tiles of commonly used features accessible to all users.
  • If users don’t like this new look, they can access the current landing page by clicking on “Classic Home,” which displays the familiar menu to navigate to all pages based on the roles assigned to the logged in user.

If you have any issues or questions, please contact the FI$Cal Service Center at 1-855-347-2250 or