The Consolidated Error Screen is the most recent tool generated from April’s Imagine FI$Cal user-centered workshops. From the new Error Dashboard tile, located on the 360 Dashboard, end users will be able to view consolidated lists of errors by module and find the necessary documentation to correct them.
All users will be able to view the module error lists but only end users with the proper roles will have the ability to drill down to the actual transactions and make the necessary corrections. The first error list displayed will be for the Accounts Payable module with more rolling out over the coming months.
You can get to the information using the navigation path:
Main Menu > FI$Cal Overview > Department 360
Click on the Error Dashboard tile.
Click on the Accounts Payable.
If you have any issues or questions, please contact the FI$Cal Service Center at 1-855-347-2250 or

Department 360 Homepage