Users at our Imagine FI$Cal event in April proposed the concept of a more standardized template for ticket submission and response notifications as one way we could improve on our customer service. The concept, referred to as the Tesla Template in Imagine FI$Cal documents, has resulted in the implementation of a just-released template that end users can access on the FI$Cal website or via the ServiceNow Self Service Portal.
The template, among the first new customer-service products to come out in response to Imagine FI$Cal, streamlines tickets so that users will receive quicker response times. It ensures the integral information needed for issue analysis and resolution is provide at the time of ticket submission and eliminates the need for the FSC to email end users seeking missing information.
Versions of the template that can be emailed to the FSC are available under the “Submit Ticket to the FI$Cal Service Center” heading at the top left of the Fiscal Service Center page along with related job aids as well as on the Access FI$Cal page. One template version is for our end users that have Outlook email and one version is for our end users that have email software other than Outlook. End users can also go into the Self Service Portal in ServiceNow, which has been enhanced so they can use a similar template when initiating a ticket. FI$Cal intends to make additional improvements to the ServiceNow Self Service Portal and the template in the near future.
Users can still email the FSC for ticket requests or ticket status; however the new template is now the preferred submission method because of the greater efficiency it offers.
If you have questions please contact the FSC at (855) FISCAL0 (347-2250) (Toll Free).