The Department of FISCal (FI$Cal) continually makes updates and enhancements to the system based on feedback from our end users. Our goal is to improve usability while maintaining the highest level of security for the state’s data.
FI$Cal released the following enhancements in June (descriptions include ServiceNow case numbers):
Asset Management
Request: CS0325633
New BI Publisher detail report request for departments and the State Controller’s Office (SCO) to review the lease payment amortization schedule with breakdowns for interest, principal, and remaining liability for Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 87 purposes.
The Lease Liability Payment Schedule report allows the departments and SCO to be able to review the lease payment amortization schedule with breakdowns for interest, principal, and remaining liability by lease number, business unit level, and fund level.
Request: CS0322857
Request for lease questions to be added in the lease administration module. SCO has four specific questions that need to be answered for every lease. The answers to the questions will drive reporting data needed for GASB 87 purposes.
Created a new custom page to record the responses to the lease administration questions. A master configuration page is used to setup the lease questions.
- Configured the lease questions in a master setup page. The objective is to provide flexibility to add, remove, or update questions if needed in the future.
- Initially configured four sets of questions as part of this extension. These questions will be in a yes/no format and placeholders to enter a dollar amount.
- The lease question master configuration is effective dated. For any updates to the master configuration, the system should check if responses were already recorded for the questions and display a warning message.
- The system will record the last updated date, time, and User ID in the lease questionnaire page.
- The system will prevent users from recording responses into future fiscal years.
Request: CS0202956
New BI Publisher report request for departments and SCO to review the schedule of right of use asset amortization for GASB 87 reporting purposes.
Created the Right of Use Asset Amortization report to allow the departments and SCO to be able to review the right of use asset amortization details such as asset historical cost, amortization expense, accumulated amortization, and right of use asset carrying value for all business units that have right of use leases.
Accounts Payable
Request: CS0310751/EPIC 80013
Interface for uploading the attachments to the vouchers (INFAP055) process fails when a voucher has multiple approval threads. Request to add single payment vouchers type to process.
Updated code to accept single payment voucher. Updated application engine code to retrieve the latest approval thread which is in pending status.