The Department of FISCal continually makes updates and enhancements to the system based on feedback from our end users. Our goal is to improve usability while maintaining the highest level of security for the state’s data.

FI$Cal released the following enhancements in January (descriptions include ServiceNow case numbers):

Accounts Payable

Request: CS0177143

Request to create a new Voucher Upload to replace the existing delivered Voucher Spreadsheet Uploads. This will allow departments to upload both MAN and ONL Warrant Vouchers.


Created a new Voucher Upload for department users to upload MAN and ONL Origin Warrant Vouchers. Users will create CSV files and upload to a Run Control page. After running the process Voucher data is loaded to delivered staging tables. Vouchers are then created once Voucher Build runs.

Request: CS0303182

Request to not display Unposted Vouchers with CV/CVAC Validation Errors on public query ZZ_OUTSTANDING_VOUCHER.


Modified ZZ_OUTSTANDING_VOUCHER, to exclude Unposted Vouchers with CV/CVAC Validation Errors from query output.

Request: CS0287568; Epic 76783

Journal Voucher Amount on Distribution Lines cannot be $0.00.


Added validation in the record PeopleCode save edit in DISTRIB_LINE.MERCHANDISE_AMT to check if Merchandise Amount is $0.00 then error message is displayed if validation fails.

General Ledger

 Request: CS0285955

 Query Security CR for EXTGL271, RPTGL338, and RPTGL339, which are being migrated as part of CR013536 and CR013546.


Added ZZ_GL_ACR_HDR, ZZ_GL_ACR_TBL, ZZ_AP_ACR_TBL, and ZZ_AR_ACR_TBL tables to Query Security Tree ZZ_CA_GL under ZZ_CA_GL_CUSTOM.

Request: CS0285955

Request to develop Summary Accrual Report by Appropriation and Detail Accrual Report by Appropriation and Source transaction. Request to develop a query to list all transactions for a given Fiscal Year/Period.
CR013556 is security CR.


Developed Summary Accrual Report and Detail Accrual Report based on data generated from Accrual Process.

Request: CS0285955

Index migration for PROJ_RESOURCE for performance tuning of Accrual Process.


Created index for PROJ_RESOURCE for performance tuning of Accrual Process.

Request: CS0285955

Security CR for EXTGL271, RPTGL338, and RPTGL339 which are being migrated as part of CR013536 and CR013546.


  • Updated Z_DEPT_GL_JOURNAL_PROC, Z_DEPT_GL_JOURNAL_APPR_1, Z_DEPT_GL_JOURNAL_APPR_2, and Z_CNTRL_GL_JOURNAL_PROC Permission Lists to have access to run Comprehensive Accrual process and Accrual Review page.
  • Updated Z_GL_REPORTER, Z_AP_REPORTER, Z_AR_REPORTER, and Z_CNTRL_GL_JOURNAL_PROC Permission Lists to have read only access to Accrual review page.
  • Updated Z_GL_REPORTER, Z_AP_REPORTER, Z_AR_REPORTER, and Z_CNTRL_GL_JOURNAL_PROC Permission Lists to have access to run Summary Accrual Report and Detail Accrual Report.

Request: CS0285955

Request to develop Accrual process and a review page to review Accrual information by Appropriation. CR013556 is security CR.


Developed a process to find all Outstanding Accruals in the system and identify the Appropriation information corresponding to the Accruals.

Project Costing

Request: CS0155865

To develop an interface that would Upload, Update, and Insert the four critical tax compliance values for each Bond-Funded Project: BondSystemID, STODetermined, BondSpecialCase, and STOReviewStatus using Batch Mode option from the Run Control page.


  • INFPC027 – Developed new ZZ_PC_ATTRIB Application Engine interface program to upload Customer Projects attributes into FI$Cal and create full audit history.
  • EXTPC010 added PeopleCode to prevent user making changes on Restricted Project Attributes and capture data changes for Non-Restricted Project Attributes in history.
  • Included Data Conversion Scripts to capture the Base Line and Configuration Setup for INFPC027 and EXTPC010.


 Request: CS0225288

Request to modify email templates from plain text to HTML format to include FI$Cal branding logo.


Updated all email templates from plain text to HTML format to include FI$Cal branding logo.