The Department of FISCal (FI$Cal) continually makes updates and enhancements to the system based on feedback from our end users. Our goal is to improve usability while maintaining the highest level of security for the state’s data.

FI$Cal released the following enhancements in August (descriptions include ServiceNow case numbers):

Accounts Receivable

Request: CS0236147

Requested new roles and permission lists for EPIC #65984 – ARF Workflow.


Created new permission lists and roles for ARF Workflow:
Z_SCO_AR_ARF_REQ_VIEW, Z_DGS_AR_ARF_ADMIN (added new access to existing role)

Request: CS0236147

The Department of General Services (DGS) requested a workflow and a PDF of the completed form for the Architecture Revolving Fund transfer requests for DGS, departments, and Department of Finance approvals to eliminate the need to mail a paper form.


Created a Department ARF Request page to enter data; contains a workflow and an output PDF form.


Request: CS0194041

Requested to add three fields to the INFPO119 template: Primary Unit, Unit Allocation QTY, and Unit Allocation AMT.


Added three fields to the INFPO119 template: Primary Unit, Unit Allocation QTY, and Unit Allocation AMT. Validations added to match the page functionality.

Accounts Payable

Request: CS0318304

Enhancement request to prevent Origin TAV/EXV CalATERS oucher. Only State Controller’s Office (SCO) accounts payable maintainer can perform the following actions for origin TAV/EXV CalATERS voucher.
1. Close CalATERS oucher from Close Voucher page.
2. To set build status as “Delete Voucher” on Quick Invoice page for voucher build error. Non-SCO roles shouldn’t allow above mentioned actions for origin TAV/EXV CalATERS voucher.


Made code changes on Close Voucher and Quick Invoice Page for voucher build error  to prevent non-SCO users.
1. Message to display, can only close by the SCO FI$Cal team.
2. Delete voucher option removed from build status drop down menu on Quick Invoice page for voucher build error.

Project Costing

Request: CS0395444

Requested to add three additional fields to the ZZ_PROJECT_TRANSACTIONS query: related voucher, purchase order (PO) line number, and PO description.


Added three additional fields into the ZZ_PROJECT_TRANSACTIONS query: Related voucher, PO line number, and PO description.

 Request: CS0404100

Requested to decommission revenue and billing report RPTPC045.


Removed all security access to Revenue and Billing report and users will not have access to the Revenue and Billing report.

Asset Management

Request: CS0322848

The current accounting data in FI$Cal does not meet the GASB 87 reporting requirements; the missing accounting data will be generated by a new extension process.


Added code and configurations to generate adjustment entries and general ledger journal for adjustment entries. Created a custom accounting entry record to store accounting entries.