The Department of FISCal (FI$Cal) continually makes updates and enhancements to the system based on feedback from our end users. Our goal is to improve usability while maintaining the highest level of security for the state’s data.

FI$Cal released the following enhancements in May (descriptions include ServiceNow case numbers):


Request: CS0321051

Epic 83132 – Request to grant access to Purchase Order (PO) Print page. Make modifications on the Run Control page and Report to show dispatched and closed POs only.


Modified the Run Control page and Reports to show as per the requirements.

Request: CS0373471

Epic # 97839
1. Update “IIJA SB Goal Exempt” checkbox label name to “Exempt from SB Goal-IIJA Only “ on the PO, Contract, SCPRS Data Entry, Event Pages, and Procurement Card Reconciliation pages.
2. Update the label name “Hide IIJA SB Goal Exemt Checkbox” to “Hide Exempt from SB Goal-IIJA Only Checkbox” on the I-Bond configuration page.


Updated the label name for the checkbox “IIJA SB Goal Exempt” to “Exempt from SB Goal-IIJA Only.”
1. Added new Xlat value of field ZZ_IIJA_SB_EXEMPT
2. Updated label at page field properties of ZZ_IIJA_SB_EXEMPT.ZZ_IBOND_CFG on ZZ_IBOND_PG page.

Accounts Payable

Request: CS0381628

Create a new BI report for Reverted Fund Distribution which will display KK Commit Control COAs as well as Budget Attribute.


Created new Run Control page, process definitions, as well as report definitions for running the report.

Request: CS0381628

Create a new reverted fund report and grant security report access to the department accounts payable reporter role.


Created a new reverted fund report and granted security report access to the department accounts payable reporter role.

Small Business/Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise

Request: CS0373471

Epic # 97839 – Remove state funded and CAR reportable criteria logic from IBond/IIJA Report. Grab all amounts from a transaction regardless of yes/no selection for “CAR Reportable” field and always at 100 percent of the amount (ignore entries in the “Percent of State Funds in Total Contract” field when pulling Form 810 A IBond/IIJA report). Amount will be reported when “Exempt from SB Goal-IIJA Only” checkbox is not checked.


Changed code to update report logic noted in the request to report IBond/IIJA associated amounts in the Form 810 A IBond/IIJA Report.