The Department of FISCal continually makes updates and enhancements to the system based on feedback from our end users. Our goal is to improve usability while maintaining the highest level of security for the state’s data.
FI$Cal released the following enhancements in May 2021 (descriptions include ServiceNow case numbers):
Accounts Receivable (AR)
That the “As of Date” from original AR item is inherited to the reclassed AR item when AR Auto Reclass process “ARRECLAS” is executed.
The “As of Date” from original AR item is inherited to the reclassed AR item when AR Auto Reclass process “ARRECLAS” is executed.
General Ledger (GL)
To enable and customize Allocation WorkCenter which will enable processors and maintainers to access various pages, links, queries, and reports at the same place.
- Create 6 new pages
- Configure 11 existing pages
- Create 1 new dashboard
- Configure 3 existing queries
- Configure 13 existing reports
Datamover and SQL scripts to migrate the Allocation WorkCenter configuration.
Created Allocation WorkCenter as follows:
- Created 6 new pages
- Configured 11 existing pages
- Created 1 new dashboard
- Configured 3 existing queries
- Configured 13 existing reports
Datamover and SQL scripts to migrate the Allocation WorkCenter configuration.
Accounts Payable (AP)
To create a new Role and Permission List for Department AP Manual Payment Processor to record manual payments.
Created new role and PL: Z_DEPT_AP_MANUAL_PAY_ PROC.
Updated User Preference app engine which will update Origin and other parameters based on new role.