The Department of FISCal (FI$Cal) continues to implement innovative functionalities in our ticketing platform. The latest enhancements have been made to the ServiceNow Self-Service Portal from feedback obtained during the 2021 Imagine FI$Cal session held in May and a ServiceNow focus group, held in June 2021.
Many department users may have seen a demonstration of the enhanced self-service portal functionality, delivered by Isaac Villanueva with the FI$Cal Service Center (FSC) during the FI$CalTv episode aired on Thursday, July 29. The enhanced portal, implemented on July 30, provides department users with single-sign on access to the portal once they have logged into the FI$Cal application. The Self-Service Portal has multiple service offerings that provide users a “one-stop shop” for accessing online forms, job aids and other resources in a central location.
At the time of ticket submission, users can now drag and drop screenshots of what they are encountering when trying to complete transactions instead of having to attach documents. They can also add individuals to the ticket’s watchlist to receive notifications when updates are made to the ticket; view the estimated time of completion field (populated when the date is identified by the FSC analyst); and add comments in the ticket to the FSC analyst assigned to assist with the ticket analysis/resolution.
Once a ticket is submitted within the Self-Service Portal, auto-assignment will now route the ticket (in most instances) to the appropriate group for analysis and resolution, bypassing the need to have the ticket processed by a FSC Level 1 analyst through an emailed ticket request.
Department Dashboard access (requested for staff by their Department Authority or Designee) provides a department-wide view and drill-down access to all tickets. The Departmental Dashboard access also provides the ability to add comments to tickets.
A survey link has also been added and is active for a period of 30 days after each ticket is resolved, enabling users to submit feedback on their experience. Finally, an announcement banner was added to the portal to display when the system is unavailable due to application maintenance, allowing departments time to plan accordingly.
For questions on or assistance with the ServiceNow Self-Service Portal, please contact the FI$Cal Service Center .