How do you accomplish bringing new departments onto the FI$Cal system with over 200 onboarding tasks within six months, and in one case with as little as 60 days to complete? You enlist FI$Cal Relations Coordinators (RC) to lead and drive the efforts, backed by a team of FI$Cal subject matter experts.
This July, FI$Cal successfully onboarded three new departments, the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC), the Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety (OEIS) and the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA).
Starting with the creation of a Master Department Workplan (MDW) for each department’s unique configuration, a plan was put into motion to successfully integrate the new business units (BU) into the FI$Cal system. The MDW charts out all of the approximately 200 tasks and the schedule to do the work necessary to onboard to FI$Cal successfully.
The DCC BU1115, under the Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency, is a consolidation of three licensing entities that were housed at California Department of Public Health, Department of Consumer Affairs and California Department of Food and Agriculture. On February 1, 2021 FI$Cal staff began to engage the newly formed department taking a proactive approach so that when the budget passed on July 12, 2021, DCC was ready to hit the ground running!
RCs Trey Mudge and Tammy Hoang worked with the new department to ensure all tasks were completed in a timely manner. As a result, approximately 100 new end users began successfully transacting in FI$Cal starting at the end of July.
OEIS needed a more unique and creative onboarding approach than DCC and any of the other departments brought on in the past. Bringing OEIS onto the FI$Cal system began in late spring with a Go-Live date of early July 2021. A herculean effort was put into effect by various teams within FI$Cal to achieve that goal.
The passage of Proposition 24, the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020, created the CPPA. The Agency is vested with administrative power, authority and jurisdiction to implement and enforce the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, which is aimed at protecting the use of personal information and promoting public awareness and understanding of the risks, rules and rights related to the collection, use, sale and disclosure of personal information, including the rights of minors.
FI$Cal teams collaborated to set up this new department in a few but important submodules so that they could begin transacting in the system. A modified MDW was created for CPPA which listed all the necessary tasks to onboard. CPPA stepped up to the challenge and with the help and prompt coordination by RC Karuna Sharma, who had the necessary sub module subject matter expertise, as well as help from the FI$Cal support team, they went live in the FI$Cal system on May 10.
Everyone from FI$Cal would like to welcome CPPA, OEIS and DCC. We look forward to working with each of these departments and supporting their end users as they become proficient in using the FI$Cal system.