Here is the monthly roundup of new/updated training content that was added to the FI$Cal Learning Center (FLC) in July 2021.
Job Aids/Material:
- FISCal.080 – AM Reports within the FI$Cal System (updated)
- FISCal.341 – Upload Budget Template in Hyperion (updated)
- FISCal.428 – Identity Self Service FAQs (updated)
- FISCal.489 – Full Accrual Functionality (new)
- FISCal.490 – Department Adjustment Ledger Entries (new)
- FISCal.491 – Auto Reversal Functionality and Reimbursement Encumbrances (updated)
- FISCal.492 – Entering a Financed Purchase Contract (new)
- FISCal.493 – Entering a Lease (Right to Use Lease) (new)
- FISCal.494 – Encumbering Funds for a Lease-Financed Purchase Contract (new)
- ALLC1001 Introduction to Allocation Part I Pre-Recorded PowerPoint (new)
- ALLC1001 Introduction to Allocation Part II Pre-Recorded PowerPoint (new)
- ALLC1001 Introduction to Allocation Part III Pre-Recorded PowerPoint (new)
- Approve Purchase Orders Infographic (new)
- Approve Procurement Contracts Infographic (new)
- Approve Requisition Infographic (new)
- Closing a Purchase Order Infographic (new)
- Closing a Requisition Infographic (new)
- Creating Procurement Contracts Infographic (new)
- Create Change Order for a PO Infographic (new)
- Create a Purchase Order Infographic (new)
- Create Receipts Infographic (new)
- Create Requisition Infographic (new)
- Process P-Cards Infographic (new)
- Purchase Order Work Center Infographic (new)
You can be notified of new or updated Job Aids as they occur by joining our Job Aid Subscription List.
- Enhanced ServiceNow Self Service Portal (new)
- Approving Purchase Orders (updated)
- Creating Receipts (updated)
- Financial Statements (updated)
- General Ledger Journals (updated)
- Hyperion Budgeting (updated)
- Lease/Financed Purchase Contracts (new)
- Processing Purchase Orders (updated)
- Procurement Cards (P-Cards) (updated)
- Processing Procurement Contracts (updated)
- Requisitions (updated)
- Self-Service Tools (updated)
Link and Login Information:
You can access the FLC here: The FLC is limited to authorized users. Please log in using your FI$Cal credentials.
If you have any questions, please contact the FI$Cal Client Training Section at