The Department of FISCal continually makes updates and enhancements to the system based on feedback from our end users. Our goal is to improve usability while maintaining the highest level of security for the state’s data.

The following enhancements were released in the FI$Cal system in June 2020 (descriptions include ServiceNow case numbers):

Req to Check: (AP, PO, Asset Management, Procurement)

  • Modified PO Sales Tax page to include a Custom Tax Rate field, which will be available only for locations outside of California, so users can enter the rate by looking at a third-party website. Based on the Custom Tax Rate entered, Sales Tax will get calculated. (CS0077903)
  • Updated code to disable Adding or Deleting a Distribution Line for a PO Voucher.
    2.Code has been updated so that the pop-up message, while closing the voucher, will only give two options to the user. One is ‘Yes,’ which will Restore Encumbrance and other is ‘No’, which will cancel the operation of closing the voucher (CS0192620)
  • Modified the code to copy the PO Line Description into the P-Card transaction.
    2. Modified the page layout to move the P-Card Description fields from Billing tab to Transaction tab. (CS0192689 )
  • Updated code to allow all the users with access to Voucher Regular Entry page to access the DT Vouchers, but access is limited to read-only. Only Z_SCO_AP_DT_PROCESSOR role users will be allowed to have Edit access to DT Vouchers. (CS0199923)
  • Updated code so that once the Budget Check is successful on AP Subsystem Transactions, users cannot update Accounting Date to outside of the Current Fiscal Year. (CS0202886)
  • Provided Voucher Posting access to all Departmental AP Users having Z_DEPT_AP_MAINT and Z_AP_PROCESSOR roles. Users will be able to post a limited count of 20 vouchers for their respective departments. Only the vouchers with Cash Type ORF, General Cash, and Agency Trust will be available for posting to the departmental users. (CS0211045)

Order to Cash (AR, Billing, Cash Management)

  • Added PeopleCode to restrict users to Add or Delete any rows from Revenue Estimate Corrections Page. Also, modified code to only allow users with Central Role (Z_CNTRL_AR_PROCESSOR ) to Add or Delete rows from Revenue Estimate Corrections Page. (CS0221985)

All Modules

  • Security has been updated as follows:
    AM Assets Viewer (Z_AM_ASSETS_VIEWER) is given access to Asset Management Dashboard.
    AR Viewer (Z_AR_VIEWER) is given access to Account Receivables/Billing Dashboard.
    BI Viewer (Z_BI_VIEWER) is given access to Account Receivables/Billing Dashboard.
    GL Viewer (Z_GL_VIEWER) is given access to Asset Management, Account Receivables/Billing, Procurement, Labor Distribution, and General Ledger Dashboards.
