Purpose: Demonstrate how to create a CSCR entry in FI$Cal.
Scenario: A solicitation event has been created using your department's business processes and you are now ready to advertise the solicitation event using FI$Cal CSCR.
Role: Non-FI$Cal Department CSCR Processor
Begin by navigating to the Create Solicitation page.
Click the Main Menu button.
Step 1Click the FI$Cal CSCR menu.
Step 2Click the Create Solicitation menu.
Step 3The Find an Existing Value and Add a New Value tabs are usually shown together in FI$Cal.
The Find an Existing Value tab is used to locate CSCR entries already created by your department.
The Add a New Value tab is used to create a CSCR entry in FI$Cal. In this scenario, the Add a New Value tab will be used.
Step 4The Business Unit is your department's unique identifier within FI$Cal. You can only modify the field you are assigned to multiple departments.
Step 5CSCR entries in FI$Cal are referred to as events. Each CSCR entry is uniquely identified by its Event ID.
The Event ID field is currently defaulted to the value NEXT. The field will update to the next available numeral in your business unit after you save the CSCR entry.
Step 6As this is the creation of a CSCR entry, the event round and version begin as 1.
Step 7The possible values for Event Format are:
- Buy
- RFI (Request for Information)
- Sell
In this scenario, we will be creating a "Buy" event.
Step 8The only possible Event Type value is "RFx," meaning Request For x, where x can be a Bid, Proposal, or Quote).
This Event Type will always be used when using FI$Cal to advertise your CSCR event.
Step 9Click the Add button.
Step 10The Create an Event page displays.
This page collects all information required by FI$Cal CSCR to post your department's solicitation. This begins with the CSCR Event Summary section information.
When creating a CSCR entry, you are required to complete the header information and invite bidders before you can save the entry.
Step 11The Event Name is the title of your solicitation. Assign the event a logical name that will help you identify it in the future.
Click in the Event Name field.
Step 12Enter the desired information into the Event Name field.
Enter a valid value e.g. "Reupholster furniture".
Step 13The Description field can be used for an explanation of the CSCR entry.
Click in the Description field.
Step 14Enter the desired information into the Description field.
Enter a valid value e.g. "Reupholster training room office chairs".
Step 15Next, define the Preview, Start and End dates.
Step 16The Preview Date is the date that you can make the event available to potential bidders, allowing them to review the event as well as draft and save their bids, which they can then post as soon as the event starts.
Step 17The Start Date is the date when bidders can begin to post bids for the event.
Step 18The End Date is the date when the bidding closes.
Note: If an extension in time was necessary after the event has been posted, you would need to create a new event version and resubmit for approval.
Step 19A date can be entered by typing manually, or by choosing a date from the calendar.
Click the Choose a date button for the Preview Date.
Step 20Click the desired date e.g. "1/26/2015"
Step 21Click in the Time field for the Preview Date.
Step 22Press [Backspace].
Step 23Enter the desired information into the Time field.
Enter a valid value e.g. "8:00AM".
Step 24Click in the Start Date field.
Step 25Press [Backspace].
Step 26Enter the desired information into the Start Date field.
Enter a valid value e.g. "02/02/2015".
Step 27Click in the Time field for the Start Date.
Step 28Press [Backspace].
Step 29Enter the desired information into the Time field.
Enter a valid value e.g. "8:00AM".
Step 30Click in the End Date field.
Step 31Press [Backspace].
Step 32Enter the desired information into the End Date field.
Enter a valid value e.g. "02/13/2015".
Step 33Click in the Time field for the End Date.
Step 34Press [Backspace].
Step 35Enter the desired information into the Time field.
Enter a valid value e.g. "5:00PM".
Step 36Next, define the Acquisition Type being used for this CSCR solicitation.
Note: The Encumbrance Only Acquisition Type is for transactions that are non-procurement purchases, such as rent, leases, or utilities and should not be used during the CSCR solicitation process.
Step 37Click the Look up Acquisition Type button.
Step 38Click the NON-IT Services link.
Step 39Depending on which Acquisition Type you choose, you may be required to select an Acquisition Sub-Type as well.
Step 40Click the Look up *Acquisition Sub -Type: button.
Step 41Click the Personal Services link.
Step 42Click the Look up Acquisition Method button.
Step 43Click the Formal Competitive link.
Step 44The Department of General Services (DGS) has assigned your department a specific billing code. This code will be entered in the DGS Billing Code field.
Step 45Click the Look up DGS Billing Code button.
Step 46Click the 030006 link.
Step 47If applicable, enter the IBond information for this purchase order.
Note: This field is not often populated. As defined in the State Contracting Manual (SCM), it is only applicable for state-managed bond programs. If entered, it is reported on a Standard 810.
Step 48Use the Two Envelope checkbox to indicate if the solicitation will use the two-envelope process for viewing bids. Otherwise, leave this box unchecked.
Step 49The CSCR header information is now complete.
Step 50Events in FI$Cal are defaulted as "Sealed Events", meaning that when bid responses are submitted, the bids are "sealed" and all bid response information is hidden until after the End Date for the event.
If you wished to change this setting, you could use the Event Settings and Options link to "unseal" the event bids.
Step 51Use the Event Comments and Attachments page to provide any additional information for the bidders.
Click the Event Comments and Attachments link.
Step 52The Event Header Comments and Attachments page displays.
This page can be used to upload any applicable documents to the CSCR entry, or add any desired comments. Comments can be sent to the Bidder and/or included on the award.
The primary use of this page will be to attach your formal bid package for bidders to review.
Step 53Click the Add Attachment button.
Step 54Click the Browse button.
Step 55Navigate to the document that will be attached to the CSCR entry.
In this example, we will attach a scope of work for the event.
Step 56Click the Scope of Work list item.
Step 57Click the Open button.
Step 58Click the Upload button.
Step 59Depending on the size of the attachment, uploading will take several seconds, as shown by the spinning symbol.
Step 60Once the upload is complete, the file will display in the Attachments section of the page.
Step 61An Attachment Description can then be added, if desired.
Step 62Click in the Attachment Description field.
Step 63Enter the desired information into the Attachment Description field.
Enter "Work to be completed".
Step 64Use the Display to Bidder checkbox to indicate if the attachment should be accessible to bidders. Otherwise, leave this box unchecked.
Step 65Click the Display to Bidder option.
Step 66Use the Include on Award checkbox to indicate if the attachment should be accessible when the event is awarded. Otherwise, leave this box unchecked.
Step 67Use the Include in Notifications checkbox to indicate if the attachment should be accessible in event notifications. By default, this box is checked.
Step 68Lastly, use the View button to view the document that you have just uploaded.
Step 69When finished uploading comments and attachments, use the OK button to return to the main page of the CSCR entry.
Step 70Click the OK button.
Step 71Now that the header information and attachment are complete, a line item will need to be entered and bidders can be invited view and bid on the event.
Step 72Click the Vertical Scrollbar.
Step 73Click the Line Items link.
Step 74The Line Items page displays.
This page is used to create line item entries for the event. Use the Line Items section to define the item(s) that will be included with this event.
Step 75Click in the Description field.
Step 76Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Reupholster furniture".
Step 77Click the Look up Category button.
Step 78Click the Description list.
Step 79Click the contains list item.
Step 80Click in the Description field.
Step 81Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "furniture".
Step 82Click the Look Up button.
Step 83Click the Vertical Scrollbar.
Step 84Click the Office furniture lease and maintenance service link.
Step 85Click in the UOM field.
Step 86Enter the desired information into the UOM field. Enter "ea".
Step 87Click the EA object.
Step 88Click in the Qty field.
Step 89Enter the desired information into the Qty field. Enter "20".
Step 90Click in the Start Price field.
Step 91Enter the desired information into the Start Price field. Enter "1".
Step 92Click the < Return to Event Overview link.
Step 93Click the Bidder Invitations link.
Step 94The Invite Bidders page displays. This page can be used to invite specific bidders to view a solicitation, make a solicitation public, or to create a combination of invitations.
For this scenario, the solicitation will be open to the public.
Step 95Use the Public Event checkbox to indicate if the solicitation will be accessible to the public. Otherwise, leave this box unchecked.
In this scenario, the solicitation will be public.
Click the Public Event option.
Step 96A new bidder, Public_Auc, now displays as being invited to the solicitation.
This is to signify that when the event is posted, anyone that logs onto Cal eProcure will be able to search for and view this event.
Step 97Use the Post to CSCR checkbox to indicate if the solicitation will be posted on FI$Cal CSCR. If selecting the Public Event option, the Post to CSCR option also needs to be checked.
In this scenario, the solicitation will be posted to CSCR, because you are creating a Public Event.
Click the Post To CSCR option.
Step 98These changes to the event must be saved.
Click the Save Event Changes button.
Step 99Notice that after saving, the Event ID is updated to an individual number.
Step 100If you wish to invite specific bidders or suppliers individually, you can use the Search for Bidders link to help identify those which to invite.
Specifically invited bidders/suppliers will receive individual email notifications noting that the event has been posted.
Step 101Click the Search for Bidders link.
Step 102The Bidder Search page is displayed with search criteria fields that can be used to filter the search results.
In this scenario, you want to locate companies in your Service Area that are registered as an SB or DVBE and provide the good/service you are requesting.
Step 103Click the Category button.
Step 104Selecting a Category will filter the results to only those companies who are registered to supply that specific UNSPSC code.
Step 105Click the Description list.
Step 106Click the contains list item.
Step 107Click in the Description field.
Step 108Enter the desired information into the Description field.
Enter "furniture".
Step 109Click the Look Up button.
Step 110Click the Furniture link.
Step 111Click the Service Area ID button.
Step 112Selecting a Service Area will filter the results for only those companies who can do business in that area.
Step 113Click the Sacramento link.
Step 114Lastly, select the Small Business and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise options to further refine the results of your search.
Step 115Click the Small Business option.
Step 116Click the Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise option.
Step 117Click the Search button.
Step 118Click the Vertical Scrollbar.
Step 119Click the Horizontal Scrollbar.
Step 120Click the Invite option for line 4.
Step 121Click the Horizontal Scrollbar.
Step 122Click the Vertical Scrollbar.
Step 123Click the OK button.
Step 124Notice the selected company is now displayed on the Bidder Invitation List and will be notified via email of this event.
Step 125Click the Save Event Changes button.
Step 126After the event changes have been saved, return to the overview page.
Click the < Return to Event Overview link.
Step 127The Create an Event page is displayed again.
Now that a line item is defined and bidders have been invited to view the event, it is ready to be posted.
Step 128Click the Vertical Scrollbar.
Step 129In the Step 5: Post Event section, after all required solicitation information has been entered, you can now post the event.
Click the Post button.
Step 130A Message window displays. This window provides a warning that the event is about to be sent for approval and will then be posted, limiting the types of edits that can be made to the solicitation.
If more changes need to be made before posting, the Cancel button could be used to return to the Create an Event page.
In this scenario, all edits are complete.
Click the OK button.
Step 131A Saved bubble displays, notifying the user that the solicitation has been saved and routed for approval.
Step 132You have successfully completed the "Creating a CSCR entry" topic.
Key Takeaways:
-A solicitation is called an "event" in FI$Cal CSCR
-Once a solicitation has been created, files have been attached, line items are defined and bidders have been invited, the solicitation can be posted
-The changes that can be made to a solicitation after posting are limited, so FI$Cal asks for confirmation before posting a solicitation