Purpose: Demonstrate how to search for certified Small Businesses (SB) and Disable Veteran Business Enterprises (DVBE) in Cal eProcure.
Scenario: Your goal is to locate certified SB/DVBEs in Cal eProcure using various search criteria.
Roles: Public
Click the Small Business / Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise button.
Step 1Click the Search for Certified SB/DVBE Firms link.
Step 2The State of California Certifications page is displayed. This page contains many different search criteria that can be used to locate a certified SB or DVBE.
Step 3Use the Business Name or Certification ID fields if you know exactly which business you would like to view.
Step 4To do a general search for all certified businesses, select any of the options in the Certification Type section to return all results matching those types.
Step 5Use the Business Type section to further refine the results of your supplier search.
Step 6You can also enter Keywords to narrow your search for suppliers. Keywords are identifiers that suppliers have provided to categorize their business.
To enter multiple Keywords, use the add a new row button at the end of each keyword line.
The add a new row button resembles a plus (+) symbol.
Step 7Use the Zip Code field to search for a business within a specific Zip Code.
Step 8Use Service Area ID field to search for specific counties in California where the business may operate.
Step 9Use the UNSPC Classifications field to search for category codes that a business has identified with.
Step 10In this scenario, first search to see a listing of all SB/DVBE certified companies with records in Cal eProcure. Then you will conduct another search for a specific Certification ID.
Step 11Select the Small Business and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise options so that only certified businesses are returned in the search.
Step 12Click the Small Business (SB) option.
Step 13Click the Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) option.
Step 14Click the Search button.
Step 15Click the Vertical Scrollbar.
Step 16A list of all companies holding either SB or DVBE certifications is displayed.
Step 17The search results display the company and contact names for each business. Clicking on a business' name would then navigate you to view their supplier profile.
Step 18Click the Vertical Scrollbar.
Step 19Next, search to see if Performance Pipeline Technologies is certified in Cal eProcure by using the Business Name field.
Step 20Click in the Business Name field.
Step 21Enter the desired information into the Business Name field.
Enter a valid value e.g. "Performance Pipeline".
Step 22Click the Search button.
Step 23The record for this business is now shown.
Click the company name to view their supplier profile that contains high-level information such as contacts and addresses for the business.
Step 25The Supplier Profile page is displayed. This page contains additional detail about the selected supplier.
Step 26The supplier's Certification ID number, along with detailed contact information, is shown on this page.
Step 27Use the various links shown on the page to view different information about this supplier, such as their identified keywords and classifications or their application.
Step 28At the bottom of the page, there are sections to view Active Certifications and Certification History (if previous records exist) for the supplier.
Step 29In the Active Certifications section, you can see that the SB certification for this supplier is Approved. This means that the supplier has completed the application process in Cal eProcure.
Step 30If this supplier had previous certification information, a Certification History section would also display below with the status of the prior certifications.
Step 31Click the New Supplier Search button.
Step 32Next, search for a specific Certification ID to view that business' supplier profile. In this scenario, you know that the Certification ID for Tourmaline Construction is 1747809.
You can either type the value into the Certification ID field, or use the look up button to search for a value.
Step 33Click in the Certification ID field.
Step 34Enter the desired information into the Certification ID field.
Enter a valid value e.g. "1747809".
Step 35Click the Search button.
Step 36The corresponding record for Tourmaline Construction is then returned by your search. Click the company name in order to view this company's supplier profile.
Step 37Click the Tourmaline Construction (DVBE, SB) link.
Step 38The Supplier Profile page is displayed. This page contains various certification, contact and address information for this business.
Step 39Click the Vertical Scrollbar.
Step 40In the Active Certifications section, you can see that this business is certified as both SB and DVBE.
Step 41Click the New Supplier Search button.
Step 42You can use any other search criteria field on this page, such as Service Area ID or UNSCPSC Classifications, to help you locate additional supplier records.
Step 43You have successfully completed the "Searching for SB and DVBEs" topic.
Key Takeaways:
- Once a business certification has been created, submitted and approved, you can search for the business in FI$Cal using several different search criteria
- Any certified SB/DVBE business can be searched for in the System
- After locating the certified business, you can then open and view their supplier profile page