Approving a CSCR Entry

Purpose: Navigate to and approve a pending CSCR event within FI$Cal using the worklist.


Scenario: A CSCR event was created in FI$Cal and then submitted for approval. You must now approve the event so that it may be posted for bidders to view.


Role: Non-FI$Cal PO CSCR Approver


  1. When a work item is submitted for workflow approval, the item automatically appears in the approver's Worklist. An email is also sent to notify the approver of the item requiring action.


    Click the Worklist link.

    Step 1
  2. The Worklist page provides summary information about all of the items on your personal worklist. Use this page to view and take action on pending approvals routed through workflow. Each item on the list must be reviewed before it can be further processed.

    Step 2

  3. The User Name of the person viewing the worklist displays at the top of the page. Your worklist includes the tasks that are routed to you through automated workflow.

    Step 3

  4. The From column displays the name of the person who created the item that has been assigned to you. To sort the list in alphabetical order by the person who created the work item, you could click the From link.


    This will be useful when you have multiple worklist items awaiting your action.

    Step 4

  5. To sort your work items by date, click the Date From header link.

    Step 5

  6. The Work Item column indicates the types of activities that you need to perform to resolve the work item. If you do not take action on an item for five days, FI$Cal automatically escalates the item.

    Step 6

  7. You can filter the Work Item column to view only those entries with the same type of work item.

    Step 7

  8. Use the Worked By Activity field to sort the list by the type of activity.

    Step 8

  9. Use the Priority feature to indicate which work items are the most (or least) urgent.


    The Priority feature is a personal preference, and pertains only to your personal worklist (even if it is a pooled worklist). Priorities are not established by FI$Cal automatically.


    Options for the Priority field include: High, Medium, and Low.

    Step 9
  10. In addition to a work item appearing on your worklist, you will receive an email with a link when there is an item requiring your attention. The link will open to the Approval page.


    If you do not act on an item in your worklist, you will receive an email reminder again after 5 days. After 10 total days of inactivity, both the approver and the originator of the item are emailed with notifications.

    Step 10
  11. You can observe if the item is an event by viewing the text in the link before you click it. For this scenario, the work item is an event because the link begins with "Event Approval."

    Step 11
  12. You can observe the Event ID by reading the text in the item's link. For this scenario, the Event ID is 0000000225.

    Step 12

  13. Click the Event Approval, 2031, Event Approval, 1901-01-01, N, 0, Event ID link.

    Step 13
  14. FI$Cal has opened the work item at the page where your action is required. In this scenario, it is an event that was routed to you for review and approval.

    Step 14
  15. Use the Event Approval page to view the header details of the selected event before approving it or adding additional approvers.

    Step 15
  16. Click the 0000000225 link.

    Step 16

  17. The Event Summary page displays, allowing you to review all details of the event.


    Begin reviewing the Event Header details, such as the Event Name, Description, Preview, Start and End Dates, as well as the Acquisition Type and Method.

    Step 17
  18. Next, review any comments and attachments included with the event.

    Step 18
  19. Click the Event Comments and Attachments link.

    Step 19
  20. The Event Header Comments and Attachments page displays. This page contains all attachments and comments created at the Header level of the event.


    Review the comments and attachments as necessary.

    Step 20
  21. Use the View button to open and review the attached document, if desired.

    Step 21
  22. Click the Cancel button.

    Step 22
  23. Click the Vertical Scrollbar.

    Step 23
  24. Lastly, review the invited bidders for this event.

    Step 24
  25. Click the Bidder Invitations link.

    Step 25
  26. The Invite Bidders page is displayed and shows all bidders invited to view and participate in the event.


    In this scenario, the event has been made available to the public.

    Step 26
  27. Click the < Return to Event Overview link.

    Step 27
  28. Click the Vertical Scrollbar.

    Step 28
  29. After reviewing the event details, return to the Approval Status page.

    Step 29
  30. Click the Event Approval Inquiry link.

    Step 30
  31. CSCR events only require one approver to take action on the event in order for it to be approved. This means that any person in your department with the appropriate approver role may access and approve this event, and that will complete the approval process.


    Because this is true, when you approve this event the status will change from "Pending" to "Approved."

    Step 31
  32. If "Multiple Approvers" appears as the Event Approver name, this means that there are multiple people in your department that have access and the ability to approve this event. This does not mean the event requires multiple people to take approval action.


    Clicking on the Multiple Approvers link will display the list of people at your department that may take approval action for this event.

    Step 32
  33. When you approve this event, the work item automatically removes from your worklist and FI$Cal adds it to the next approver's worklist, if another approver exists in the chain.

    Step 33

  34. You could also click on the Insert Approver button (looks like a + symbol) between two approvers to insert another approver or reviewer.


    This process is referred to as adding an "Ad Hoc" approver or reviewer. If an ad hoc approver is added to the workflow, their approval is required in order to get the event fully approved.

    Step 34
  35. As an event approver, you have two options for responding to an event: Approve or Deny.

    Step 35

  36. Use the Approve button to send the event to the next approver in the workflow if one exists. If you are the final approver, the Event is finished with the approval stages.

    Step 36

  37. Use the Deny button to reject the event. If denied, the event is sent back to the buyer for their action, and removed from the approver's worklist. A notification of the denial is sent to the buyer's worklist.

    Step 37
  38. Use the Approval Comments field to enter comments regarding the approval decision of the event.


    If denying the event, comments are mandatory.

    Step 38
  39. After reviewing the event you are ready to approve it.

    Step 39
  40. Click the Approve button.

    Step 40
  41. As a precaution, you are asked to confirm the approving of the event by being redirected to the Approval Confirmation page.

    Step 41

  42. Click the OK button.

    Step 42
  43. The Event Approval page now shows the position of the event as Approved in the approval chain.

    Step 43

  44. The name of the person who actually took approval action on this event is now displayed in the Event Approver name field.

    Step 44

You have successfully completed the "Approving a CSCR entry" topic.


Key Takeaways:

- After an event is created and submitted for approval, FI$Cal automatically routes it to the correct approver

- To approve an event, the approver accesses the worklist, reviews the details of the event and clicks the Approve button

- The event is pushed on to the next approver, if one exists in the chain of approval

- Bidder invitations are sent upon approval

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