Purpose: Demonstrate how to modify a progress payment in FI$Cal.
Scenario: Previously, your department recorded Progress Payment Reference #8745632 towards a purchase order. It has come to your attention that some of the information entered on that progress payment was incorrect, so you must now locate it and update the payment details.
Role: Non-FI$Cal Department CSCR Processor
Begin by navigating to the Progress Payment page.
Click the Main Menu button.
Step 1Click the FI$Cal CSCR menu.
Step 2Click the Progress Payment menu.
Step 3The Find an Existing Value and Add a New Value tabs are usually shown together in FI$Cal.
The Find an Existing Value tab is used to locate Progress Payments already created by your department.
In this scenario, the Find an Existing Value tab will be used.
Step 4Click the Find an Existing Value tab.
Step 5The Find an Existing Value tab offers several fields to help you locate the progress payment desired.
For this scenario, search by Payment Number.
Step 6Click in the Payment Number field.
Step 7Recall that the desired payment reference number for this scenario is 8745632.
Step 8Enter the desired information into the Payment Number field.
Enter "8745632".
Step 9Click the Search button.
Step 10The Progress Payment Information page automatically displays for the particular progress payment you defined on the previous page.
From this page, all fields are editable, thus you are able to correct any information necessary.
Step 11In this scenario, you previously entered the wrong Total Purchase Amount value for the PO.
You can now update the value to the appropriate dollar amount.
Step 12Click in the Total Purchase Amount field.
Step 13Press [Delete].
Step 14Enter the desired information into the Total Purchase Amount field.
Enter "4000".
Step 15If necessary, update any other information on this progress payment at this time.
In this scenario, the Total Purchase Amount value was the only field that required correction.
Step 16Once you are finished making corrections, save the updated progress payment by using the Save button.
Step 17Click the Save button.
Step 18Click the OK button.
Step 19You have successfully completed the "Modifying a progress payment" topic.
Key Takeaways:
- In some cases, you may need to correct the values from previously created progress payments
- Use the Find an Existing Value tab from the Progress Payment page to locate the existing payment that needs correcting